The FSCA calls for applications to serve on its new Consumer Advisory Panel
Pretoria - The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) invites membership applications from suitable experts and representatives (including representatives of consumer associations
and NGOs, consumer advocates, academics, and financial literacy experts) to serve on a new Consumer Advisory Panel (Panel).
The purpose of the Panel is to strengthen consumer representation in the financial sector regulatory environment, to assist in protecting the rights and interests of financial customers, and to instill public confidence and trust in South Africa’s financial sector.
As the FSCA is mandated to promote fair customer treatment by financial institutions, provide financial education and promote financial literacy, a better understanding of consumer perspectives is essential. The Panel is envisaged to comprise of members with strong knowledge and understanding of the financial customer experience in South Africa.
Members should provide consumer-focused insights that enhance the consumer perspective in the financial sector and ultimately contribute toward improved customer outcomes.
The Panel will engage with the FSCA on a regular basis, providing inputs and guidance on matters related to supervision, regulation, enforcement, research and policy development.
Membership of the panel will not be a full-time commitment. The Panel is expected to meet at least four times a year, to produce a report annually on its activities, and to provide inputs to the FSCA as and when required.
For more information about the Panel please review its draft Terms of Reference accessible on the following link: FSCA Consumer Advisory Panel.
Membership applications can be submitted by sending a CV and motivating covering letter to The deadline to submit applications is 17 February 2023.
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