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SAIA’s ANPR goes for the second year running

SAIA’s ANPR goes for the second year running
31-07-12 / Staff Writer

SAIA’s ANPR goes for the second year running

SAIA members are expecting to derive benefit from this project in many ways, including a direct benefit when stolen and/or hijacked vehicles are identified and recovered before they leave the country as well as indirect benefits when vehicles and/or suspects involved in other crimes such as household and business robberies and hijackings are identified and stopped.

"Although no doubt exists about to the positive impact of the ANPR project on crime in general, and vehicle crime in particular, challenges have been experienced with regard to showing direct return on investment to our members with this project. Such challenges include data and data quality challenges, as well as manpower challenges,"says Dawie Buys, SAIA Motor manager.

"It was agreed that the issues around reporting on successes, which is linked with information about return on investment, need to be addressed sooner rather than later. It was decided that the SAIA Motor Committee: Vehicle Crime should meet with the relevant role players including BACSA, the SAICB, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and others to brainstorm the issues and see how these can be addressed positively.

"The Vehicle Crime Committee met on 20 June 2012 to brainstorm this important project. The result of this meeting was a better understanding of the huge value of this project, the challenges experienced by the different role players, as well as potential ways of improving the results of this project. It was agreed to form a Task Team to address the details of a better way forward."

Dawie says the Task Team consisting of representatives of the SAIA, BACSA and SAICB together with the Service Provider (Syntell) met with Senior SAPS Officers on 17 July 2012 where the challenges experienced with the project were shared. The Service Provider also provided a full overview of the Joint Information System (JIS) which was very useful as it assisted the Task Team to identify what could be done to address the challenges especially those faced by the SAPS.

"The SAPS confirmed their unconditional support for the ANPR project, but advised that they were experiencing internal problems which will be addressed to improve the internal operations. The Task Team will continue with their work to meet with all the relevant stakeholders with the view to find solutions on how to improve the results of the ANPR project including the return on investment for our members," he concluded.

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