“The fund’s managers have a strong track record in being agile, recording consistent return and protecting capital. We selected them as they have a dynamic investment process and aligns with what we expect from our agile, independent, results-driven…
"As an active investment manager, this is also our area of greatest influence, and we have a role to play in combatting modern slavery and human trafficking through our investment decisions and the influence we can have on investee companies…
"In times of heightened market turbulence, maintaining a steady hand is paramount. It's easy to get swept up in the emotional waves of panic or overconfidence, but such reactions often lead to regrettable decisions. Instead, a calm and measured…
"The higher interest rate environment has been a double-edged sword. While challenging for individuals with loans, it has been beneficial for fixed-income portfolios. The current rates have allowed for better returns on investments, positioning…
"AI is driving investment activity across private market strategies, notably in venture and growth capital for innovation, as well as in data centres and renewable energy, addressing increasing energy needs in a sustainable way," says Dr Nils…
"South Africans looking to diversify their assets or hedge against currency volatility by investing offshore need to be cognisant of the complexity they may inadvertently be creating for themselves and their families when holding assets cross-border,"…
"When markets are volatile, investors would be forgiven for wanting to make portfolio changes as a way of trying to stay in control. However, we would caution against altering your investment strategy or its execution unless it was incorrect…
"We believe the wild moves we have seen in markets are symptomatic of large imbalances in global financial markets unwinding, exacerbated over the short term by extreme positioning," says John Gilchrist, Chief Investment Officer at PSG Asset…
Jerome Powell's highly anticipated speech at the Federal Reserve's (Fed) annual Jackson Hole summit provided key forward guidance on Friday, acknowledging that there had been an "unmistakeable" cooling in the labour market, adding that policymakers…
"The World Economic Forum 2024 Global Gender Gap Report shows that globally, women’s representation in senior leadership roles across every industry has seen ‘modest improvements’ since 2016, with the financial services sector highlighted as…
“The engines of the PE industry are gaining traction, and all signals point to noticeable growth and even untapped potential. On a global scale, PE is up against some serious odds, including economic uncertainty and political upheaval. Locally,…
"Prioritising your financial well-being can be the cornerstone of your financial wellness. Be realistic about your savings goals but remember that every cent can make a difference when saving for retirement. A financial adviser is there to support…
"Prescient Securities has been the partner of choice for asset managers since 1999 as is evidenced by our consistent top ratings since 2013. This recognition is not only testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, it is also demonstrable…
"Big ideas in tech, especially in areas like AI, capture our imaginations and are heavily marketed, which can cause people to get overly excited. This is not to say that AI is a temporary or insignificant technology, on the contrary, it will…
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